The male two legger was watching the "Nightly News" on the talking box thingy the other night.
Generally I pay very little attention to the "Nightly News. It seems that they run the same program every night. Some two legger robbed some other two legger. Some group of two leggers attacked some other group of two leggers. It rained in Seattle. It's hot in Texas. It's cold in Wisconsin. There was a fight in Canada and a hockey game broke out.
Perhaps they should change the name of the program and call it the "Nightly Olds".
However, in this case, one story caught my attention. It was a report that stated after an exhaustive study, scientists have figured out that we cats are responsible for the deaths of over 1.2 billion bird thingies every year in the U.S.
I find this report outrageous!
I would like to thank the Evening News for bringing this to my attention.
1.2 Billion? C'mon, we can do better than that! We must be getting soft. Perhaps our years of "domestication" are affecting the natural order of things.
Granted, many of us, such as myself, are strictly "indoor" cats. We do not go outside. This is no excuse. We must utilize ways to lure the bird thingies to us. For instance, when the two leggers are not watching, I often place bird seed on the windowsill, inducing the odd bird to fly smack into a closed window pane. It makes a most satisfying thunk when they strike the glass. Sudden cardiac arrest is another method I employ. I hide behind a chair next to the sliding glass door. When the bird thingy lands on the deck, I throw Tiger Lily against the glass. This will usually cause the target bird thingy to drop dead on the spot.
For those of you who get to go outside, you guys need to step it up. Practice your stalking techniques. Perfect your pouncing. Skip a meal if it helps.
Now go out there and get them!
I expect our annual bird thingy casualty (ABTC) projections to rise by thirty percent this year.
But, I do ask one thing. Leave the squirrel thingies alone.
Those are for me.
Generally I pay very little attention to the "Nightly News. It seems that they run the same program every night. Some two legger robbed some other two legger. Some group of two leggers attacked some other group of two leggers. It rained in Seattle. It's hot in Texas. It's cold in Wisconsin. There was a fight in Canada and a hockey game broke out.
Perhaps they should change the name of the program and call it the "Nightly Olds".
However, in this case, one story caught my attention. It was a report that stated after an exhaustive study, scientists have figured out that we cats are responsible for the deaths of over 1.2 billion bird thingies every year in the U.S.
I find this report outrageous!
I would like to thank the Evening News for bringing this to my attention.
1.2 Billion? C'mon, we can do better than that! We must be getting soft. Perhaps our years of "domestication" are affecting the natural order of things.
Granted, many of us, such as myself, are strictly "indoor" cats. We do not go outside. This is no excuse. We must utilize ways to lure the bird thingies to us. For instance, when the two leggers are not watching, I often place bird seed on the windowsill, inducing the odd bird to fly smack into a closed window pane. It makes a most satisfying thunk when they strike the glass. Sudden cardiac arrest is another method I employ. I hide behind a chair next to the sliding glass door. When the bird thingy lands on the deck, I throw Tiger Lily against the glass. This will usually cause the target bird thingy to drop dead on the spot.
For those of you who get to go outside, you guys need to step it up. Practice your stalking techniques. Perfect your pouncing. Skip a meal if it helps.
Now go out there and get them!
I expect our annual bird thingy casualty (ABTC) projections to rise by thirty percent this year.
But, I do ask one thing. Leave the squirrel thingies alone.
Those are for me.